The Wabi-Sabi in Super 8

• Mini Workshop May 15, 2020
Konstepidemin Göteborg, Sweden: “Konst och Kompost



An approx 2 hours workshop for 4 people, meeting outside in the sun and wind in the Magnolia garden at the picnic table or in the tent if it rains!

• Short introduction to super 8, shooting some spontaneous film together (only 30 seconds long, shared)

• Mixing a developing soup made from food-waste from Dagie's breakfast! Easy developing and the little group film is ready!

*This food waste / compost developer is strong, yummy, totally environmentally-friendly and fantastic to process your b&w negatives: still and motion, as well as photo paper!

Thanks to Ben-Hui Grace,
Ina-Marie and Matilda!