The Wabi-Sabi in Super 8

• Workshop 17. August 2024 • “The Memories Film Fest”

Bocchigliero, Calabria, Italia


“Super 8 Experiments + Eco Developing in local Juices”


The Memories Film Fest

Nel suggestivo scenario delle arcaiche Montagne della Sila Greca, i film ritrovati che raccontano la Calabria di cento anni fa, i frammenti d’archivio impolverati e le memorie cinematografiche recondite e sospese, tornano a rivivere, ad emozionare e a far riflettere, attraverso nuove forme estetiche ed orizzonti espressivi.

Un’immersione nelle profonde memorie del passato, che riemergeranno e rivivranno attraverso proiezioni, performance, spettacoli del pre-cinema e spettacoli teatrali, workshop cinematografici e musicali, laboratori creativi, installazioni ed incontri con autori, archivisti, storici, critici e personaggi dello spettacolo.


In the suggestive scenery of the archaic Sila Greca Mountains, the rediscovered films that tell the story of Calabria a hundred years ago, the dusty archive fragments and the hidden and suspended cinematic memories, come back to life, to excite and to make people reflect, through new aesthetic forms and expressive horizons.

An immersion in the profound memories of the past, which will re-emerge and be relived through screenings, performances, pre-cinema shows and theatrical performances, film and music workshops, creative laboratories, installations and meetings with authors, archivists, historians, critics and entertainment personalities.


I was invited to give a short workshop … and also hang some of my pinhole photos in a small gallery … and make new ones!

The workshop is over – thank you for being part of it Luisa, Luigi, Silvia, Leo, Rocco, Adriano!